Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

- l .t0l1 I · WitbtJutBumiliation: n~mercy. wife, tho-ugh at their fir£lfl1>a~ia~e. therewasJudi lo-ve becw;eene them as they would. h1ve caofen each'other before·aoy otlfrer in theworld , yet {o as this their •lovemay·admit degrees j afcer marriage, :-: they may fee more grounds ·of toving·each otheu . •more; fo..that though thematch is.made, yet they · ·may be moreconfirmed inthciir choice,which may :be made more full and abfolute: .So towards Chrifi .. the will and affe~ions may be wound up to'a high- ,er p-eg, which is done by afurther degreeof humHiation. What is faith , but a layihg hold of Chrift ~ Now the emptier the hand is, tlhe further hold it takes,and the morewearet:likenoffourowne' .. bottome,thefurther weewill deave tQlCmHt.. A · ~ 'maQ in ariver that is like to..bee drowned,andhath a ~ - . rope caA! tohim,hewill Qe fwre tocatcb·as fafi: hold · ;a.s hee can, you fuallAOt need tobid him~ ·And to . : 'this end it is, fllat ChriRians;arefiili taught more ~ and more~by.the Spiri~r to fee the vanity ofthecrea- . i ture,the viteneffeof their nartires;. and theyareJed:! · :through this wilderneff~ ~();humble them, that fo ., , .Chri!l: may have the higherplace in-their hearts. ; < AgaiAe, thegreater the thidlds, the•greaterwill' ' • .a mans draught bee; and themoreyouaddtoyour . . ~ humiliatioB,the morewillyourthirll: beafcerchrifl, , and youwill drinke·deeper of thefountaine of life, ,· and draw more fap,Jrom him., And fecondly it incrtafeth yourlove, for there- .: by wee come to fee our [elves m0re beholdingto Go n, as havingagreaterdebt forgiven us. What' . made tM "'1 love mu<rh, butbeca.ufe fhee wasfenfi..; blemuch wt~~ forgiven IJtr. Therefore labour more - :tnd