Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

The-Lord it mercifull to the humble. 1:1p more roome then it lhould, and are as bubbles in fhe water, which lllould be plaineand fmooth; i but this prings all into its place againe, gives the , _ Creator his due, and fets the creature where it {pouldbe, and_therefore God loves it. . Re11(. 3• It makes a man fociable and ufdull and profitable to others -: a man would not qave a .frub– borne horfe, that will not goe in the reame witH ) his fellowes, nor fuchl high trees as overfhadow - .others, and will riot fuffer them to growby them, and bring forthno fruit themfelves. will , not keepe a Cow or an Oxe that is ftill a puihing; and fuch an one is a proud man: it is bur, and or.dy ·the humble man that will live profitably a– mongft his neighbours, and will not goe beyond hisowneTedder. - ·Rtttf.4· J\n humble man hath fuch a frame of heart, , i. as the L o 1t D delights in· ; ,for hee -is fearefulL to .offend, alwayes obedient, ready to doe any fervice , and is content with any wages ; loves much.. is ~bundant in th~nkefulnelfe, and cleaves-. f;tfl:,to the L o 1t D, becaufe he.hath no bottome of his owne, and keepeth under his luff:s, becaufe he knowes the bitrerneife offinne; refignes up his I heart to the Lord tofollow him in all things, hee is aman.ofthe Lords defires; fo it is [aid ofDttniet, when he had_humbled himfelfe, DAn. g. Such an the Lord would have; and fo it makeshim fit for favour; and whenaman is fit for fav0ur he {hall be fure to. have it, for God is not fireight-handed to us. , 1 ~. rfe x. · ~.aththe L o tt n faid it, and that fromheave,o , , ' that