Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

' I . 116 1The Lord is mercifuO to the bumhle. · ----------------~---------------- I fuite and hee cannot deny it. This is agreat matter, · if a man ihall but feriouflyconfider, what it is to have rhis great God; the Governor of the World, to bee an enemy , one ·would>·thinke they iliould · thi n~e this Gofpell good~c-wes. · - But youwill fay, I doe yet neither know difrin– cHy what i.t is to humble my felfe, neicfrer can I humble my felfe; there is not a harder thing then:it is. Therefore I will lhew it you once againe, that you may .know ir, for why fuould wee not info great a point turne it every.way, and mould it for . your ufe,and eo your apprehen·fions,as alfo that you may not thinke it harder then it is,bywhich theDivell keeps many off. . · Now yoi.l may know what it isby the exprefii. ons of thofe who have humbled chemfelves. DA- · .vidhaving numbred the people, when bee humbled himfelfe he[aid,Lord I hAvefinned~tnddone ex,eeding /01lijhly. Jojiah hiJ heart melted before the Lord. And . Dttn. 9· Lord wee have done very wickedly &c. and :jb~twe beltmgs t1 tu : bee was alhamed. And I1b when beehumbled him[elfe, faid, Lord, I abhor my {elfe in dufl anJ ll}hes~ And the Prodi·gall, I b.we finned agt~iTJft heAvtn a1fd·agAinfl.t-hee, and am no more rv6rthy t1 !Jee c.cUed1hyfonne. And fo they are faid to bee weary and heavie laden. Many other expreffi. ons there are, butl will digefr all into two heads j to humble a mans felfe is hut to bring his heart and minde unto the[e . .. Is out of a fence ofa mans unworthynelfe to fay . rhus unto the Lord : ohLord, Ih.twed6ne ex.ceeditJg wickedly,~tnd1.m worthy eo·beed{jlroyed. I have beene ' . m