Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

; - - - - - 13~ 4 I ~ - ·~ - • ! " ,- Tbe Lord u mercifull to the humble. . ·But yet a9de:to .thi~, diligenceinyourcallings, fur (as rheWife man fauh) The jluggard is more wifl in his ewne &OI'Jceit, th41i Ien meuth4t cangive 4 rt4. {tm,that is, fie is felfecoaceited and proud~ A flug. gard that hath noth'irJg to do,looks ahtoad to other m'efls matr_ers, and looltes hot to his owne wayes, nor nis owne hear(, wh:ch wouldbee a lbeanes to nurnble him: 'therefore diiig~ncc is a great m·eancs tohumble, tobringdowne 'our hearts, becaure idle– neffe is ameanes to life them up. And further, it is ~~offhtbleforyou tp r~mem- 1 ber times and tinnes that arc pact. ,Amanwill bee . re?ady to fay, I hope I am chang·ed now, wl1_:.rt I l)avebeene I carehOt for 5' bu~H1e Lewd 'tonumb~ I ' Ditvid/ toldhim what he1\ati be'ene, I tooke theefrom t-bt foe~p-e-fold, &c. fu Witb the, Thy fArher 1 ~'" 4n _Amorite, arulthy iJ/othtrJnflitl~te ~ and i {4w thee it~ thy hlot~J. Beecarefull todi(lihgul!h wif~ly betweenegract . in th~e, an·d thy fdfe of thy feWe; af.i a'th'at will bee . apie~iles tohumble thee. ·As PA11l'in 2 Cor. rz. u. l • ~~ 1, htit thegrace 1/ Goa#; bite-. Put tnecafe t:he ; L~rdhath beauttfied{ls with~with!fiaoygraces and l ~ .giftsabove others ; thou ~·uft nbt exalt ti~y felfea- 1 bove ·others; wee mull: lool<e·up'ohout!elves as of ·our 'fel've's, to bee the fame ·m·en Hill. Ca'nthe wall ~ fa¥.,itliath brought forth tbebeamesfhat the fu~me · ;Ilath'ca~ u'pon it ~ thewall is the.fam~ : fo ifGod · hath tnined upon thee' and lefc ~tb~rs inaai:kndft-, i \ art rhdu ch·ebetter of thy felfc 1 lhaUrhe ·penhoafi: it felfe,b'ecaufe it hathwritten afaire Epilllt~ who · 1 made it c: whopm inke into it 1 g'uided it ·t theglo, - - - - -· ry