Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

~ ·~8 Of/ Godsface· • . ·- .. 1ent downe into thdr hearcs, !hewes Go-das merd- · fnll, full ofkindneffe and oflove: they fee not onely his face , but his facdhining in all gracious willirigndfe to receive them : hee .prcfenteth him as a ' loving father ready to admit of them, and graci·· oufiy to fqrgive and receive them : They fee Geds foce _, that is , .both ·his excellency , and beau· tie , and alfo his love and gracioufodfe towards 1 them; and this makes them feeke his preferJceand I reconciliation wich ·him, and ne-ver to bee at re(l: without it, as Mofts, Lord, wee will not fiirre a foot · without thy prefence, Ex1dm 34• 18. A right fui~ . cor cares for nothing, but rhe love and prefence ofl ' the perfon fued eo : fo t~ey defirenothing, can bee ' content with nothing, but the prefence of God, 1 ·communion with G0d, The light of hiJcoutlttnance. \ The fecond thing whereby I expreffe what it is I - to feeke Gods face., is to ftdee the Lord!alone, as feque- . fired from pl:lniilnllents and rewards, in his owne . perfon, as confidcred in himfelfc, in his Attributes, · in his holindfe and purity ; {o as not to feeke the · chmgs hee brings with aim ' but to feeke himfelfe, and the thiQgs which are in him. -O~jeEI. But yatl will fay, this is very hard, to fet afide all refpeds to rewards and punifhments. Anfw. · It is an error to thinke,taat y0umay not make . ufe ofrewards and punifhments: for, . r Firll: punifhments and the threatnmgs of the Lord are the true oojeCl:offeare; and afaculty and 2n habit may lawfully bee exercifed about their •, proper object~ and fo rewar-ds are thefubject of deftre,and fo may lawfully be fought after aaddelired. · · The . .