Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

·- - Gods fact. . . 147 ----------~--~--~------------ . thus, is your happindfe. Theendofevery thing is · the perfed~on ofit; ROWGod is the·cnd of theetea· ture, and therefore tO get him, is tO get thy perfe• ction and happindfe. Againe, weehave all front him , as the branch hathall from the roete ; and · .therefore as the way for thebranch tokeepe life in it felfe, is to ke.epe clpfe to the roote j and when it is brokenoff it dies, foweefo long as wee cleave to and feeke the Lord, weearepreferved. And this was the ground whiclt all the Sainrs went upon in their fuifefiogs , both ofperfecutionand death ; and this was the cafeof M'.fls and 1t~Nl, when the one wifued himfc1ferafed out ofthebooke of life, and PAulto beeaccurfed from C a ll z s T ; that is, faitl~ Saint Pt~Nl, ifthis bee for Gods'glory, and the good of his Church; let mee periih. In which though they feemed to imply their immediatede• llruetioq, yet theyknewwhat was ultimately_bdl: for themfelvcs• And this isall thediferencebe.tweene·a carnall man, and one to whom God'hath revealedhim– f~lfe; they bothagree in this, they b0th love them- . ,felves, and feeke their ownehappineffe ; but they 1 differ in this) that they feeke it in a 'different way; the one in the Lord., but a carnall man feelees it · 'in himfelfe and the creatures :'· :Agodly manisfo : ·perfwaded ofGod, that heefeekeshim, and cares · 1 not what hee lofetb to· gaine hitn ; but another . . lllan, whenhee is told ofan inviftbleGod, lieewill not truft ·to things unfeene; the things bee fees bee . will reil:'upon, and fo Ceekes fot anhappineffewith.. ~nhis owr:iccompaife; and thereforewhen llimfelfe · L 1 · comes ' .: 1 \ ~i '