Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

Offeek.i~f. Gods face. clouds to hindtfus trom beholding hi~ tdce. tlur . confider, th:H rh is is the·maine p .:n of the cove· nanr, I wiU bettheir God, 4r.d th'tJ /hADbte w-y ptoplt. t\t'ld upon that tenour corne in all ben::firs, even wi·h htmfdfe; wedoeno: LfuaHy think-: that we muCt firH have the Lord hi nfelfe ; o~a eyes f.hc.iu1Jd be in the firfi pi act fixe on him, then on the mercies received from him: for Rom. 8. it islaid, tbar with him, that is, chrifi be wi«give U1~tUthings. There- , fore fi1 it we are rohave him, then all things dfe. So 1 Cor.3.lstfl,A/It·hillgsarey,our.s; b tuponwlut ground ~ for you are Chrtfts, •nd.chrifl Gods : we mufi firfl have.him for our hmbJ nd, .ere·we can en joy the advantages r,obe had by him. It~ is a co1n.. mon fault, thar men loo·ke to the comforts and priviledges by Chrilt, bet not to him~he is forgot– ten. As when we come tobe ht.~mbled for fi nAe, men in the firfl: place looke upon apromife of for– givendle of fins, and fay, if 1can bur beleeve my finnes tO be forgiuen 1 and lay hold on that promife, I- have enough ; but ChriH: is forgotten by r hem: but thi~ is-not the method we iliould take, but ra– ther thinke, how·£hall I have forgivenelfe ~ who gives it-: whobrings it -: Irisa dowry comes wirh _ my husband ;when lhaveChrifionce, llhall have his righreoufnetfe rocloath me, 1 Cor. 1. 3e. ofhim yee Are inCbrifl Itfm, who fJ{ God u made t1 uo wife– dome, And righuou(wt./Je, (anl1ijc~otio» 11ndredemptiD». Themeaning ofir is, that God rhe Fathergives .Chrift to us, -as a father gives his fonne., as a hus– ·band to· one in marriage, and fayes, I will make him worth thus much toyou, bat you m~fl: have him , ----------------------~--+---~~~---- · \ c.