Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

\ a8o i '· ,l . <· ' OffukingGodsface. ~\ your pucs: grow imo furrhcr acq :.1aimance with him; which i$ done, partly by fpeaking mL:ch eo him, and partly by much obferving him in all his wayes. Looke upon him in all hisatl:ions and car·· riages, and thereby you will fee how worthy hee is tQ bet bduved .· Conftdcrr he firlt aCtion that ever .hee diJ, makingofthe Wodd :· hee could have enjoyed happinefJ(: wirhin him!clfe fo.r ever, as much as noN, yer hee wJs willing out ofhis·gouandfe ro . , .m.1ke Men andA:gel !s, and ro provide abun&mtly ·I . for them, and -af(crw.uds when all mankind were ar o1e th ow loll, and hfe mighr have lefr us; as he lefc the A·igell s chat fell without any poffibiliry of faIv.irion,ouc of his ~~J..a:v9~dl-;rlce., his love ro nl'lnkind, his~ love iO the nation, hegavehis Sonne to redeerne u~:and if ic were but for this.lnve.roour nation,heis worthy of all love and rcfpe{tfrom us, as heewas t:of the Iewes, that out of his love to their nadon built.them bu~ one Synagogue : but hee harh not ·loved thenation only·, hath hee not givenbim, ma· ·oifdled, revealed him uorotli~('; when he h~th paf- , · fed by thouf:mds '! : and wh~r~as thol;l,· jf left to' : thy fdfe, ·Woulddl: ~have loft the ~dvantage ofrhe : pofftbility of being faved, ·as themoll: ofm_ankind · . eo) wouldll havebeenehardhearced,·-as rilillionso( ! meQ are: hee hath brokenthy.heart,}thdgiven thee : :· Chrift, and .that whenthou wert(l;1tterly unable fo : . fi1.uch a-S ro b~l~ev~in him ;,·_-anq ftnce: lie~~r6ught , t lheehometolusSqnne, _ how .ofr~n haft-thou beene-: : go'iQg·quire~way fron1 him, .and pathheenot fJiil : • :beene ;.s ~Shepheard eo thee, and fcrc~ed th~e in .:z- · :gaine ~ thou halt plaid many a tlippety-tridc wirh · , · · -,..ik~_........;___ ______________h_im_:...