Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

. ' duft blowne away with his breath. If Gur eyes · were but opened to fee as Gehazies were, the hofi: 1 that was about him, fo -ours tg fee the Lord, we · fuould delire him alone, and feeke him : and then a man would be ready for all varieties ofchanges,p'Ut him where you will, he will be conttent to have Gods favour whilefi he lives, ·and heaven when he dyes, and till this be wrought hedoth nGt feeke God with a perfeCt: heart; till a man comes to this choyc:, I have~any things i~ the world,. but the f Lord 1s my ,poruon, and he IS my exte-etltn~great , rewuti.; and I cam liveon him alone, it bein!f as im~ : poffible for -me to have him without comfort as to have tRe Sunoe without light ; fo as whatever be- , comes-ofhim,he is able to fay, I have loll Aothing, I amnot driven oqt ofmy inheritance and.portion, i I _bave G()ds .pr-efenc~ and that will bea direaion andaprote&:iont~ us inMrdtimes, fo•tbatwe may iay, Th-e LordsNAmeii•JlrongTower, andtho1;1gh - others fly to other refuges~ yet ·Tllitherfly therigh– teom,andare fofo. Thou muft feeke Gods prefence in timeof peace ·: ifthou wouldefi: have it for thy refuge in time of danger. ·Both t hefewe may fee, 1[41•. 4. the two liftverfes. The Lerdwill&reAteup– on everypl4ce oj'M01~•tSto1J, A11du,pBnber 4fombtits,. cloud4nJfmoake 6y day, An~~he fbining-1[ A jla?Ring,: fire by nitht, verfe 5'. that 1s-, as tire People of 1]– rael comming out o'f :l£gypt had u piNar Dfftnt~ guide th-em "' night, a11d ~ ·cloudypiU~rhy day ; fb God promifeth there to his p-eople, I will walke beforey-ou,anddired: your way in all your ad:ions,~ tn.diffioult i.iafes. God guides themby an imme-1 N 4 _ diate