Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

16 :· . God afjlifls hi4 owne Pe6ple. - mem. Lachijh was a fC!cure-people, and when the Army ca)neagainfl: them,: th.~y and t~cir City fe.ll as P!ggs-from a--tree that arenpe, fo'did the:y fall m their enemies mouths, fecurity is a fore-runner to ' every mans Iudgement, Efly66.z. Tohimthatfeares mee,faith God, and tremhles at my words, tohim-wi/J I looke to k~epe him [aft; if not, I will neglect: him as much as hee mee, 1will have noeye to fave him, as hee bath no eye to mee to caufe him to fe~re and tremble. But'youwil fay,how may I bring my heart to feare the_Lord '! Ianfwer, firft pray tocheLord to llrike your hearts with a feare of him., it is the the worke of God to bring the feareofhimfelfe up· on.l!s, for it i~ hee that brings the feare of one man upon another, heebrought afeareupon all the Na– tions ofthe Land, when thepeopleoflfraelentered Canaan, much more the feare ofhimfelfe, for the affections are fuch things as the Lord onely can meddle with, and therefore the Apofile faith, rou are t~tught efthe Lord tD, love_one -another. · It mufthe r.he ,Lord, thatmufr pur infuch an affe– ction into you, for his teaching is planting the affe– ctions, and fo he is faid tb teach other~reatures, rhat is , to 'give this or that inclination, a11dfo the Lord is faid tofafbion the hearts ofmen;and then they cannot chtlfe but feare him : therefore goe ro the Lord, and fay, Lord -I am not able to feare thee.: and fay, Lord thou ~afipromifed to give the Holy Ghqll: to thofe that aske·it of thee, that workerh e .. very grace : if you would feekc ·him fo, and hilll importunately, though you had the fecurefi hardell: heart of any in the world, bee would at · length