Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

-------------........ ----~<>·.n Gotls\ompaftion, tD. ~is peop~e in affliRion. profpericje doe thinke,it will alwayes contim~e, and tl morrHv wiNbee M t1 titty , ana m•th m1reabundt~nt ; fo ia atH'!ISlion , that it will never bee otherwife . what unfaithfulne1fe is this ! are not all times in Gt~ds h411ds ~ as DAvidfayes Pfolm. 3 I. lilee that alters the weather, hee that tumes the Winter into Summer: It is a fiorme now, and halfeanhoure afcer theSun fbines; all in the weather,fo fuch alterations is God able tomakein mens efiates: and comfort thy felfe with this, it fualllie no longtron thee , thenthe_re is neede, the plaific:r thall not lie ajot longenhan the fore is a healing. lf it werefooner healed, it would fall ·offfooner;but then it ihall fall offalone; thoughi[orrDw hee ill thee'fltwint, yetj 11jhaUc1me in the morning; becaufetheanger of God never lafieth but for a while ; and the.reafo!l is givenM itA 7· 8. fir "'"~1 pltAftlhhim: takehimalwayes wheQhee is angrywith his children, and there is but a iliort }?runt of it, his conftant courfe isotherwife, for mtr&J ple4flth him: now that which amandelights inbeewill beedoing long, heecanhardly bee taken off from it·: as iflitgreived him todoe otherwife: when therefore it is long I fay , it isper accidens , as when thy heart is harder than ordinary ; for fome aremore ftubborne than others. Ah, but thou wilt ·fay, this ofmine is agreat atlE6tion, and I knownot how it lhould bee helped, unleffe the Lord lhould worke miracles. It maybee it is fq ; and indeed when God will fendanaffiid:ion,allthe world can ·· · not keepe it off, InZacb. x. there were foure h~rnes, , did befet the childrenofI[rael toaffiiet them, {o as . which way foever they went andwDuld have fled, : D one1 ' - .. d ,,