Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

Gods [ompajlion, ttJ bil p1ople in 4/flillion:· 1· 45 knowes whereofwe are made; one ill turne caufeth not him, as it doth men, to forget what was done before,theLorJktepelh for m thefore mtrcier ofDW.- 'JJid, that is, fuch mercies as the Lord £hewed Da-- viJ, and not to himonly, but to all hispofierity,fo as he will not onely beaGod to thee,whilfi living, .. ~?ut when thou ;trt dea~? to thf feed alfo. ~ucha God you ihall fiode htm ; therefore take hun for· your God and f6r your husband. Ifmenknew him, theywould chufehim ; as Saint P4NI faidto .Agripp~, I woNid.thatthou wert Altogether tU !,that is, if thou did'ft know him as I doe, and his f~rvice, thouwouldeft not be halfe a Chrifii~m, but one al– together : doe but try if thou likeft not hi~ fervice) thou mightefi leave it. But the Saintswho have exp~rience of both conditions holding out may be an argument of his kindneffe unto all hi,s : and this alfothould move us to chufe him for our mafter. . As_ the other. ufe 'Yas to thofe without to chufe r(e. 4 • the Lord, fo this ufe1s to all thofe that are already . i.nthe covenant, to exhort them toconfirme them- . [elves in their choyce to bee more and more wdl : , perfwadedofh~m, that fo they ·may love tlie Lord more and more, and cleave fafl:ertohim. ·One that . is married may love her husband well, . andyetby (eein.g more and more the excellencies thatare in her husband, fllee may beemore confirmed inher choyce : In all affii<5tions labourtothinke'well of God,andillofyourfdves. Thiswasthepraifeof ·– D4vld, he alwaies laboured~to·· extoll God inall, and fiill hol'd this condutidn,-yet God 15good to.Jfr(lel: we are apt to faile much this \vay, we·arerea· d}1' /