Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

The LorJs NAme il caOed npon hu people. I reft, for our Nation bath been likeCidee.ns- Fleece; when all others about us, have beene wet and waL 1 towed in bloud,we ha~e bee.ndry: thcr~forelabom \ to fee how good God Is, and how bafe we are, and ·take heed ofabufing his kindnelfc, lefi he make this N'ation wet with bloud,. when all others !hall be dry, and we come to have warre, when all the reft have peace : the way to continue his favours is to 1 ·remember them and to humble our [elves before · him in thankefulnelfe. Thus much of this Dochine. , Thenext maybe this Jhird Doctrine: The Lords 1{ame UG-AUed ueon hiJ people, that is, they are cal- . led by his,Name: for the opening of this poynt, we mull: know firft, that it is the Lord that putteth hjs · ~ame uponthem ; for who dur£1: rake this honour, -but thofe upon w~om the Lord himfdfe pleafeth to befl:ow it ~ this is no fmallthing· j where God puts his Name, it brings fomething with it. So as fecond~y, it is not an empty ride, Titulm jin·ere, b1:1t there is~ reality in it ; for where God gives his Name to any man or people, ·there hebe– fto-wes himfelfe, and all he bath is theirs, becaufe they are Gods, I 'CDr. 3· Nlt. As an husband when he' beftow-es his name upon his wife, then he alfo . giveth himfelfe to her. Now in the Scripture the Lords Name and·che Lord himfdfe are put one for . another, fo that it is no fmall priviledgeto have the Lords Name called upon us. . , And to open this further ; let us confider, who they are y.etJhat are calledby anothers name a– mongfi: men: '. / Firft, 47