Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

THE GOLDEN SCEPT·ER held forth to the Hun1ble. · WITH THE CHVRCH~S Dl-GNITI E f_ ·by her Marriag~. AND THE CHVRCHES D VT IE in her ~arriage. Irt.t/ql~e Tredtifes. The fidl: delivered in fundry Sermons in Cambridge · for the \Veekely Falls, 1 6 2 5· The two later in Lincclnes l :me. 'By the late learnedand re1JerendVivine, .. lOHN PRESTON, Dr. in Divinity, Chaplairie inOrdinary to H1s MaJejly., Mr. ofEmt~nuel Coli edge in Cam6ri.:tg'e, and – fomtime ·Preacher-at Lincofnu Innc... I E·R. ~· 14 , 14· . 'J?!lmne thbrt backJliding Ifi"ae~.{aith the I. 0 R7J, and J wi!l nnt cil/l.fe mint ange;- to {a!lrtponyott: for! am mfrcifo!l, [iUth 1be LOR7J, trrld ,I wi!jnot keel' anger fin evet. 7?.!tume 0 bac~flldmg Ifi'ael,for Jam married unto yore. 1 Hos.:.7. Jwill goc a-ad retJt1ne unto my frft h11~b:md) for then it w.u bcttet with mCt,l:an now. """ LONDON ,,:" . ' Pnntedby 'R:_ Badger for 1X:_ fJ()urn~ at the Rayall Exch:mge, ..and ;1!'.73-olcr at the Marigold in P A u :t· s Church-yard, and ( R. H~rfordat_the gilt BI ·n LE·- in .fi?.!!cencs-hct~d · Alley tn Patcr-nofler RoPP. ' 1' 6 3 &~