Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

· l .· i ! Without Humiliation nomercy. It is neceifary in refpeet of receiving and feeking for mercy andp:trdon, and forgiveneffe, which is the m1ine thing here promi(ed, I wilt bee mercifaO · to 1heir Ji1mef, for untill then our propounding par– don and the promi[os of it, and inviting men to come in would bee all but lofl: lab:)ur : for unrill then, m~nwill give us that ~mrw~r, and the promi– fes the fame entertainemem, which they did that were invited to the Marriage Feafl:, Matt h. 22.5,6,. The text fays theymade light of it,and fo we finde by experience, t111t when- w~ee preach the. great things of the GoJpell; as.Iull:ification, and remiffi.. on of G.nnes, men account them as a fmall thing, and fl!t light by them : and the reafon is, becaufe they are not humbled ; men otherwife would not prize Chrill: nor the promife of the pardonby him (as M4nn.c was not prizedby the l{rAeliter) nor his rightcoufne!Ie, by which they arc to be forgiven: . a man happily would be content to have Chrill:s righ teoufne1fe,as abridge to go upon to heaven,but , he will not prize it as PAuldid, who was ambitious . of nothing fo much cts to be found in Cbrift,not ha. ving his own righteoufndfe, but that wch is by fairh, . accounting all things in himfelfe and out ofhimfelfe droffe and dung in comparif<>n of it ; but aman unhumbled will not fet this high priz~ upon it, and God will not have his Iewels,much lelfe Chrill: and pardon of ftnne cafi: randome to thofe who !hall not value them 1 but whena man£hall fee the badneffe of his nat.ur:e,the multitudes ofhis particu– lar fim1es, and fee that in his heart he never thought had beene there, and ftan,d amazed at them,then to . have