Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

~ ·- ' ------------~--------------------~---- ., PPithou't Humiliatiqn no merCJ· 77 fully ;(;~ounced himfelfe, that is, not Humbleti: Now unleffe a mans obedience be generall)nothing / is acceptable. :, And fo wee cam.e to the fecond thing propoun- . ded, wh•t th# Humiliation is , and herein our maine · enquiry is afrer that which .is maioely intended in the text. nrhat it iJJo,HH'mblt amans folfe. But bc– caufe the ~flding of it out depends upon the.other alfo, wee will with it fuew alfowhilt it u to. bee Hum6/eJ, that fo wee may rhe better know the true Hu– miliation required ofus ; and for the finding out of this wee will firfi fee before you the examples of them who have Humbled themfelves, and have beeneHumbled in Scripture,and from thence gather what it is. · For this you fhall finde UU4n~Jlh in the :1 chron. 33· inhis afRiction Humbling himfelfe greatly,and the Lord was intreated of him. ver(<1ti 1. Like– wife wee have that of s. Paul Humbled. Alls 9· 6. where wee finde him trembling and afronifhed, and faying, Lordwh4t wilt thgu htwe meuloe '? See ano•· ~ ther example .in t.Afls z, 37· of thofe who were 'prickl in 1heir hearts, cryingout, wbdt jhaOwee doe to ~ee . (4'T!td? And foof the Goa(er. IJ![/$. 16 . who came trembling .cnd4ftonied, 4ndwouldhAve killed him[elfe: . and likewife of the.Pro'cligall, L~Jke 15. (which though aparable, yet fets forth th1s conditionof a foule Humbled tous,) of w~om it is faid;char N011t gave untB him~and that bee came unto himjet[e, &c. l · Out ofall thefewegather thoretwomaioeputs of Humiliation.mentioned: Humil~1tion p1ffive, l and aetive. . Tbe firft.whereof makes way for the . . ~cond :