Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

oGjeol. An(w. TheChtldren ofGod poore andfot-faken, and wicked mes fiourifu, mndwhy~ . l butail thecrecltures belide.s. Confider how bee providesfor ail :theojlridge ( Jo6.39.) Godhath tAkentmderftanding, ( fayth he )frrm;her,andjbt( lettues heryoung ones 6ehinde her, and provides notforthem;howcomesir-then that they grow up, that the fpecies "is not extinguif11ed, but con– tinues'? Sayth the L.(}rt/, I take (care f<:>r them. And l.Orh~. Hindethatisin the Wildernelfe, as lhee caJues, thee bruferh her young, and cafl:s them forth, and there fhee 1eaues them, ·who lhouldprovide forth em <t Is it not _I f.1yrh the Lordl&c.Buti will not enlargemy felfefurther .in this, becaufe I hafre to that whic'h remaines. One.Iy.this Ufe is to be made of it, that when . youlooke upon the Univerfe:looke upoq all the parts ofir; feetheworkes ofGodin every kinde, an·d fee how hee provides {or the Rtt·vens, that haueneither6arnes norJlore-hQufes; fee how ·he clothes the earth, that.!finnes not, that hlth no garments made for it; fee all that he ·dorh in the 'Yorkeof nature, andby this you maylearnero knowGod: by this youmay kn_ow, what h~ is, howyou may be well content to haue him alone for your portion. . :: But this wiiibeobjecred; I butwefinde it o– therwife,thofe thftt arehis children, are theynot poore <t are theyn0t forfaken many·times t: I anfwer in aword; It is true, while the chil– dren areunderage, -theyenjqynothing in com– parifonof that inheritance, thatis .provided for them. Thefervant many times liuesin a far bet– ter condi~ion, and efcapes that corredion, and that