Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

I 0FGons --- _ __:__..____---il This theLorddid:for he trull:ed in him, hemade · not hafr, but frayed on hiui alone. I fay, ifwee · .could Iearne thisin a!I our enter.prifes, to truftin ~ ,him, he,would workeourworkesforus.Onthe 1 ;GtQeriide, wherefoeveryo.u fee aman that makes ! haft,and that joynes others with the Lord, and is : -not content with his Al!-fojficiency;cloth it not l ·coil: him much, when hewill doe his own work, : ' -and will not Ieaue it to the Lurdco worke it for · ·· him'! . 2. Intlancesof l rrutllng other things betide• God. Mads. 2.0. lacoh, youfcnow,what itcoft him,when he·made : hall:to get the blening byawrong way,howina· : nyyeares exile, howmuch paine,and fepararion · from his frinds ~ And fo·Sttul, it coft him ·the , lolfeofhis Kingdome, for making hall: when he · ·offered facrifice;and did breake theCommande– .rnent 0fG4d, beeaufe the peoplewere difperfed ; And fo ofthe refr. And therfore,Belovedwhatif t-here beenothing bekdes ( for that is the cafe I ·preffe ) fuppofe you were in fuch ~ ll:raite, that · there isno more but theLord to rell:on, yet, if youbecontent to trull: in him alone, he will doe : it, as he did for David;ifyou will needs indent andbarg~ine with him, then, I fay, it may bee, you fhal haue the thing you would haue,but you · ,were better be without it, as we fee in Math 2 o. : .when the workemen wou'Id not becontent with . theAUfojficiencyofGod,(as we fee in that Para– ble) but would make a bargaine with the Lord, wewill not fe·ruerhee,fay they,except thou wilt giueus fomuchwages,ifthou wilt we wil doeit: . fohebargainedwithevery manforapcnnya~day: • G-oc ,,