Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

• ---, \. \ . A~LL·SVFFICI ENCY. \ Fleece it dry, aUtheearthJlutf/hc wet,andwhenth( Earthfh4!1hdry,thefluceJhallhe ~tt.Asifhehad ~:~~~~~~~~ f.1yd, Though the Church thathttleFleece now femblcd by 'be over~flowne yet I can dry it up, and lay mite- Gtdtonr B_(ece, ' . . andA~rttht~ms ry upon theenemtes,asthey werempeace, when facrifiee · that W:J.S afflicted. Gen. u, Io• . The likeyou fee in Gep. I 5. where there is an1 '· ether refemblance ofthe Church, when the Sa– crifices were cut inpieces, and he had divided the Rammes;fayththe Text,the Fowlcs cameand . wottldhauedevoured them. There aretwo fimilir;o fir~· tudes ofthe troubles ofthe Church, &Gods ref- ~h~;chets e cuing them. When the Crowes came, A6raliam troubles •. drouethemawtty,thatwas one.And theotherwas . when there was averyfcarefnll darkeneife,there came aBurningFonta6C, and'aLampe. Themea- . ningis this; .The Churchthenwas in Egypt;(fo·r · that he hath reference tO) it was adead Sheepe, expofed toRavens, and you would tninketliere WQS nothing there tO helpe it, but it _mufi: neecfes bedevoured. Whyyet faith the Lord, though it be thus·neerc, Iwill driueawaythe Ravens, and· Iwill'flmemy Church. You know, wha\ the firength _ofPharaoh andofEgypt was. Againe:, . fayth he,theChurchwas in fearefulldarkeneife-, in ihev·allcy ofthe fhadow of death. That is;· They thought,they 111ould neverbe recovered; 'youkno:w,whatwayes Pharttohtooke, &at how , low anebbe the Churchwas, when hee wontd haue allrhe males defi:royed. Who would' haue.. fayd,that this Church {hould haue recovered? · Yct,as)afterthisfearefulldark:.enes, the Fornace came 1: