Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

IIJ Eood to you.) that the Lord is able to forgiue. ,But you will fay to me: Itis true; Ifit were a matter ofpower ,Imake no quefiion. · · You fhall find it amatter ofpower:take-a man, Is itnot amatter offi:rength in him to forgiue, to palfe by an infirmity?I fit be fi:rength in a man to bemeeke,to forgiue, and to palfe by injuries, to be kindetothofe that be unkind ro him; I sit notalfo power in Godto do fo-: Belides.)isit not apowerto be rich? Riches giue aman porency, and theLordis fayd to be rich inmercy.That is;. · Asaman that is rich, though he giuemuch,yet he is not exhaufied; So, whenyouhaue made< t~usmuch ufe of Gods. mercy,· yet ll:ill there is ~morebehinde, frill there is more and more mer– cie for you,there is a fpring ofmercy,ther~is no end ofit.Befides,asthere is a power in his wrath,, Whokn~ws theporverofhiswr~tth ?SoIikewifethcre :: isapower in his mercy; as we fee Rom.g.zz. 2 3. (it i~ aplac_eworth tr.ce conlidering for this pur– pQfe)Wh4t ifG.tJdtlfjb·ewhis wrath,ttndt~make bis p~wer knowne--, willfoffer with long p11tience., the vejfels of wr.zth prepared for deftruc1ion-: ( And the next Verfe is thus tO:be read, orhcrwife >J!OU· cannot make rhefenfepetfect)&w.batifkwuutd 4/fo,toJhew thegreatneffi tJfhispowex, dcclttre the riches of hisglory vpon thevejfelsofmercy-, th11t h£ . h.zthprepttredtoglory f (Marke)as God:fh ~westhe · grearne!fe ofhis power in executing wrath upon evill men;fo·he fhewes the exceeding grcatnes of his power,and-declareshis glorious riches. That is:; ..T.he richesofhis me:rcy upon the s~li ms. . Now:. •