Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

. \ Qp GoDs (aid intheP(tll~~.r, that thtrefore the wicked feare not God,becaufethey haue nochanges,and trudy,.e· ven theg.e.dly men,ifthey had no changes,they would feare him lelfe ; fo that every change in a m1nsfi:ate,.the fallingintofinne, andthe 'rifing •· agai ne,leades aman to.fome newkf\owledge of Godand ofhimfelfe <tlfo,to a new experimentall knowledge, and that knowledge leads him to a newdegree offeare: fo that frill by their fins the. The .raints Saintsget advanrage,that they flnll find in their .· are gairlersby fpiriruall efi:<tte: for even as we fee the Sun,when theirfal~. itbreakes out ofa thicke Cloud of darkneffe, it ; ; . ' Simile. J; •,''. iliinesthe brighter; fo gracewhen it breakes out ofa thicke cloudofftnnes 0r of temptations,.it !hines the brighter, we·arcdl:illgainers bythof6 · changes. I.fay,_we learne to knowGod, and our· feluesalfo the better, and for thefe caufes, he . leauesustothofechanges,that we may be gal.– , ners by them,.and [o .weare. Therefore, fay not ·withthy,felfe,hecaufe l finde fome defects, and( fome unevcnnelfe inmy fantlification, therfore theLfJrd'isno;:fiifficient =~ for it is for thyadvan, .. tag.e,ir is not.for-want of the Lord, nor ofwi1Hngnefi'e in~ hiin -ro: communicate it to thee, .but it is £<tr thy advantage, , that -thou ffiouldefi: findethe.Ce change s~ and this uneven.. neffe int hy-wayes. Therefore, buildupon-this, that he is All~ttfficitnt-, It may be when thou go~ e.fl: about aw6rke thy fdfe,thou findefr it ad iffi.. cult thing to·overcomefriCha lu!hbut is impoffible withmen,is eaGe withGod.- Thofe that ro.wedall night,-: and.dLd nogopd, <J. i\Ytq~9::. . .. · from .. >;. •,-.