Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

When tbe · heart is not ·perf<tt,lufls. preva.tle: . " ~· Gods iu/'~t!- ficimcy in pxo· viding our· ward good . things. :All outward– good things are Gods, to refolue toferue him-with aperfect heart. But , for the power& performance ofit, this belongs . toGod. Therefore hence, comesall the difficul– tie,that our hearts are not fo perfect; for when . a·manis ready toobject, I, but I find no cxpe– r'ience of this Almighty power~ See that the caufebenot in thy felfe; he bath madeapromife unto-thofe whofe hearts are perfect wi~hhim ;it may be thy heartisimperfectj it may be, there hath bee ne hypocrifie in thy hearr,tho.u hafrne-– ver bin willing to-part with :1ll,taferue him with aperfect hear-r, clod with a willing mind all thy dayes~ .But, when oncethy heart ishrought to1 , finceriry, doubt not that he will perf0rme that ·rhou lookefr for. on his part: for it belongs to his part togiue theepower;. and firength to do that which thou delirefi to do.So-muchlikewife,for ·; the fecondpart ofthe Covenant. ' The thirdpart oft~e Covenant, is toprovid'e all good thingsfor·us-, belonging to this prefent life :llereinthe L'ord is Alljujficient ~ toallthofe thatare in Covenant with him.~ 1: need not fay muchtomake thisgood·untoyou.All things are his,whatfoever.aman needssRichesare,they are his creatures :inFro. z3. they come and go at his command:Honoris his; I willhonour thofe, he takes itto himfelfe, tobefl:owit as hepleafeth: Healthandlife is·his;the i./foes of , lifeanddedth 6elongto him:Friendihip is his, for heputsour acquainta-netforrefrom trU, and d-'t·awes· them neere to us. Goe throughall th-e variety of things thatyourheart can delire,and they are all his I)