Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

~A,._ L L- S V F F I C I ENCY. . TheWiflmananfwers thus, thofe things that weredonethm,they areforgotten,theyare not ha.d ·in remembrance; Andfo likewife the things thttt ar.e nowwill be forgotten. An~ therefore thereis no new thing. Indeede, in grace there is fome thing new, there is anew Creature, there are all things new within and withour, there is a new , Judgement, anew Confcience, new affedions, every thing is new,all thi»gs are hecome new there · let him that hath grace, looke about him, and thercisfome thing new, he comes into a new Company, he is brought into a new world,his eye fees things, his eare heares things that never entred into any mans heart: That is, into any naturall mans heart, which onely bath to doe with_naturall things,let him lookeinto the word of God, thereis .a newneife: for the more you .reade it,the more you defire fiill to reade it, the more you heareit fiill you find fome new thing difcovered: Looke on the depth of thofe myfre– ries, looke on the confolations ofthe fpirit, {till ·thereisfornethingnewin all the wayesof God, that belong to the new Creature, fiill thou £halt haue afrefh renewed vigor in every thing, that fatisfieth the foule ofaman, and there the eye is · fatisfied with fe.eing, and theeare with hearing. In all the workes of Nature, there is·· nothing · new. The third and lafl: reafonthat he vfeth to f11'ew theemptindfe ofall thlngsvnder the Sunne, is, .becaufethatwhichis crooked cannot be made firaight, and that which i~ defedine can none filpplyJ _ Anfw• . Things done in former ages forgotten. Newnetfe in · nothing~but ingrace. 3·~rgu. The Creature cannot let thiqgsamitle fuaight.