Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

-whirle-wind,andmade knowne his greatnetfe to him,this was the fi·uit ofittolob, though he had fpoken onceor twice, that is, befo're that time, yet nowhe would do it nomore. 'Canfi: thou be content to fee the Lord going all the wayes that he cloth, fetting vp ev.ill men., and putting : downe g<:>, caufing the Churche~ to wi1:her,and theenemies to profper '? Canft thou fee . ai-l this, andyetfanBifie him in thine heart? Art thou able to (ly, that he is holy in all hir »'ayes, andin this to fee the grcatneffe ofGod, and thy ownefolly and\veakendfe? Canfi:thou fay, that fhote art but duft .a'ndafJes, 'and to fay it in good earneft'?Canfr thou lookon thy felfe as onavile Creature, as Peterdid, faying, Goefrom me: fur I a,m afinfull man-?Then I will beleeue,that thou haft feene Godinhisgreatnes, I will beleeue that thouhall: feenehim in his All-fujficiency, that he bath prefented himfelfe by his fpirit vnro thy foule, in fomc me.afurc, when thou feefr thefe eftects in thy foule,, when thou fee£1: thy igno– rance, and thy vilenes, whentholl feefi:what an emptie Creature thou art, fure thi£ is another thing,bywh~ch thou mayfr judge whetherthou hafl:experience, whether thou hafr pracHfedthis d?chine,rhatwe hau~ deliveredofthe At~-~/rtjfi- · crency ofGod,and ofthe emptinelfeofthe Crea– ture. Note. Moreover,ifGodbc AU.fojficimt, why are we then fq ready to knock at other mens doors? Whyarewe then fo ready to go to the Crea– ture,tofeeke help~,andcomtort, and counfell s Whedierwe oftfeeketo hilll ?. P from