Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

_,. A L L • s·V F F IC lE N c y. ·A. fervant that thinkes·his Mafier is able, and ,willing to giue him wages, and proyide for him fuiliciently atth~ ~nd oftheday, or t·he yeare). or at the end ofhis fervice, he will becarefull to do )his worke, without looking to his wages, without making provHion for hit~felfe,and fo, -if thou beleeue-Godto beAll-fujficient,thouwilt Jeeke no more but to find out what thy duty is, · · what rule thou oughrefr to walk by,wh1t fervice thou owefi roman in fuch acafe, how to keepe a good confCienceinfuch ~ bufineffe, in fuch a fl:raight, in fuch adifficulrie, thou wilt fet tlly -wits a-:wor,ke to find out this; but when thy wit is over-running thy dutie, and thou lookell: to theconfequence( ifl do this and this, this will befall me)thatis a fig ne thou thinkefl: not God to be A!Lfufjicient.thou thinkeil: thy Mafier can~ notprovideforthee, hHtthouthinkefrifhaH be poore, whe.n.I haue done:his fervice, and there– fore I wil provide for my feife,I fhall want com– forts, I fhallliaue enemies come in vpon, me; if -thy Mafier ~ea Sunne, a Shield, and a Bttckler, . andan exceedinggreat reward,and thou him to be fo, .thou wouldetl find out ~nly thy dutie,andit is no matter what the confequencc 'is; So you fee the three mett did, we have re1nfl~ncn. folved that we wiUnot Jvorjhip thine Image, and . Thct~r~e whereas you threaten to call: us ihto a burning Children. fiery Fornace, that we care notfor,Godis ~tble t(J .deliverus, theyuid fee Gods All-fujficiencieand .therefore they did the dutie. Certairiely, Belo– ·ved,inany difficultcafe,nomanwilldo his du- ·p :& · ... tie,.