Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

_V P R r o H T N E s. 177 every finn{:: for e~ample,Godhath commanded vs todeny Dur felues in our profit, in <n~r ci·edit, andour pleafures: and·manytimes it co~es that ~ we are to performe this dutie in particularcafes, . c6fiderJerioufly thenofthe frrength o.fc'his principle that God if'All-fujficient,;it will make thee ableto do the dutie throughly~ What though , thou be a loofer in tliy credit':'IfGodbeAll-fofft~ cient, he is-ablcto make itvp. 'Nhltthoughthou · be a loofer in thyprofit as Amaziah,was? Is not he able to giue thee fourefcore talents, fayth the Prophet to him? What though thou be a loofer in thy pleafures,thatthou loofe or want theplea- [ttres ofjinnefor afeafon? Is not he able to make it vpwithpeaceofconfcienc-e,& joy in thehoty·chojlt And fo againe; We are eommanded to take vp oNr dailj cr~fl'i,& not to take bafe& finfull c_our– fes t oavoid crolfes,and troubles,and affliCtions, . when we meetewith them in right and firaight · wayes,and furely' ' theway to performe this dutie,is tobeperfwadedofGflrls AU-fufjiciencie,let a man thinke that Godis able to defend and carry · him thorow, that he is-able to ·· keepe himin the tiine ofthofe fufferings:, that it is he tHat keepes – the.keyes of the prifon doore, that opehs ·and friuts,whenhepleafeth,•itis he that makeswhole andmakesficke;the ~!Jues oflift anddeath,Gelong· to him:E'very mansjudgementthough hefeefethe foce ofthe Ruler:, yetit isfromhim·:let men conder, that it is not the Ci;eature that inflicts any croffe,oraffiiction, or puniiliment vpon us, bttt iu is,he that doth it by the Creature, and that will . inable Note. J~--~--------------------~------------- - ·' .