Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

V p R l G H ·T N E s. advantage; I fay, ifhe would do this; he llfould lindeGodAU-Jufficientand the perfwafion ofhis ;All.fujfic~ency is that t~a,. fr~engthens· a mar\a~d rn~kes h1m confrant m the performance of It~ This you may take for a.fure rule,thereisno one durie that Lhall coft ama.n any perill, that fhall coft him any labour, any-loffe that a manwill be willing to do, without the perfwafion ofGods LAIIfufficimcie, be never cloth·it withoutthis perfwafion, he never fayles in it, but as farre as he fa.yles in the lJeliefe of ~this. For ex- · ample·. Abrahamwhen he was put on the hardefttaske, to·leaue his Coimtry 11nd his fother.r houfe, he was perfwaded that Godwould be withhim, ~nd : would bleffe him: for Godhathmad-e him a pro-· mife to do it, it was-eafie then ·to· performeit, , but afterward~,when he began toilirinke,and to ! doubtofthis, that God~tnight fayle him, that he would not Be God A!L.fofficienttohim, as when lie went ·downe into Egypt; he denied Sarah to .· :be hiswife, whatwas!the caufe of<. this fmne ~ :· But becaufe. -he was afraid that God could"not defend him. And fo n ·avid, holX{ many hard taskes went he through, .wit:h all chearefulneffe,: and c;onfl:ancie ~ -hut when·he began fay le of · this perfwafion:,that Godwas-abletodeliver-him fromsaul,-andtnbring hiin into the :Kingd6me, then he begifuies,to fteppe out fr'ortnhat dutie, and way ofohedienc,e,that he !honldban~ wal..: ..ked in, to.fl'ie to~Achi..r;&·c~ Therefore the way, :Ifay, to make ourheart:sperfectwit_h God is to, ·· •· · increafe . / . Note.- bifhmce.r. /