Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

:~ l \ OF Gons _..\ ______ ally,feeing they c0ncerne ourfalvation;It much ?fl : concernes vs,to know whether they be right or 6unterfeit;and therefore you fee the condition that Godrequires here ofA6raham; is,that he be , 'Vpright andpcrflB,withouthypocrijie; . ( fo the word fignifieth) llVa!ke 6efore me without hypucri- · l . : Th~·ground l of fincer.itie• . · fie. Nowwe hJue rather chofen this·Text then anyorher,becaufe it fetsforrhtheground of aH Jinceritie,andperfic7walkingwith God~which is, , even thisap:pt:ehenfion well fetled in the heart, that Godis A ll-fwfficient:for this is the Lords pre– cept, Walke before me>andbethottperfect, or vp.:. . right,orJi;gcoe,Ietit not bein hypocrijie.: and this . ' is the moriuethar he vfeth to perfwade him toit, I am All.fufficient; As ifhe fhouid fay, if there were anydefect in me,ifrhoudidft need of. coul . . \ deft defircanything that were not to he had in 1 me, and thoumightefl: haue it clfc-where, per– haps thy heart might be impnfed in walking towards me,th )Umightefrrhenll:ep out from me to take in advantages el!ewhere; but feeing I am . All-fu_lficie'nt, fince I haue enough in me to fu l'– fill allthydefires, _fince Iam every wayanad~quate ob)ect;thatifth.ou 1ookeftabout,and con– fiderell: akbatthyfoule can wifh for,thou mayfl: haue it inme,why then !houldefl: not thou confe– crate thy felfe to me alone? Why rhen fl1ould~ll: thou be vnevenin thy wayes,. ferving meCome– times by firs, and fometitnes the Creature~ For there is nothing in the Creature, but thoumaiefr fi-nd it inme, I am Alllufflcient, I am Allfuffi- ' cient, therefore walke before me, and6e perfiCl · I Yet ) ; ~------~-----------------------------------T~------------- .>. '