Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

ALL. s V F F I c I lt N c Y. 9 fayth there, that a Minifrer wa.snot t? beayong Scholler,le;tll: he·hep~./f(d!'l!1~n,c/ fall tntQ the·con– demn~ttion oftheDevili:Trhatis,.Ieafi: he bepuf– fed up, & fall into the fame finne, for which the D~vilt. was condemned, that is, tobepuffed up, that is, to haue the deftresinlarged beyond the boun.ds which Gft{ hath~tthem,todefire more than they fuo·uJd h~ue, to beexaltedabo~te meafo~e,tha~ meq(Ure,that Godhad appointed them, that is,rheydeftre more, they lookedaftermore · t4ey th<;>ught th~rewas ~H~tanAl/-fofficienciein Goj.fer-thern: Tpis'was.the finn<: <:>(the .An,gels ;:Kat fell. And as it was thecaufe.oftheir firfr fal , :fo it is the caufe of all the (tnnes that haue beene · committed fince. And the re,~fons-6fit in·briefe arethefe. · · ~.. ~ · -~ , . ~ l " F!rfr,itarifeth,from the defire ofhappines that isi~plantcd i~· ~very ~ans nature. Happineffe, you.knqrvj is a compound which confifis ofall gopd things,fo th.apgone mufibe tyanting;there is no good thing 1 bUt it mull: bean ingredientin-· to it. Now the natureof man is made.byGodto delire happinelfe, every man naturally defires happines, & may- defir~ it,ifrqerebe any fcantnes in this,ifrhcre.:beanyevill ·that lies tl p6 him that is not -removed,or ifthere beany good that .he ,defires andwams,~hathe doth not enjoy; (I £1y)hjs heaq d inot refr,for he defires happines; :thereforeifhe find no~an A11-fofficielJcyin God, x.Tim. 3· 6. TheDevils Gnne,what~ l · From mans de6reol bap• pine!fe. / fo that nothingbeewanting, -that hisheart can -defire or looke after, itis impoffible he 1l1ould odeauedofe unto him, but beewill be ~eadie to :Hepoutfi·omhim. C , · Sel ~--------------------~----------~ \ !. I l