Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

' ' l\. L L- S V F F I C I E N C Y~ that GodwasAU-fuf(icitnt:aswe fee Heb. I I.I9· .lt is faid there;that,thoughJfack were the fonnc ,of the promife, yet he willinglyoffered him i whyr:for he thcmghtGodwt~s ttble toraift himfrom t·he deadagaine,fromwhencehe alfoafter afort receivedhim: As he received him from Sarahsdead womhe,fohe thought he might be mifedagaine from the dead ·afhes. w ·hat was the reafon that P.aul ferved the Lordwith a perfeCt heart ~You T 1 . fee in r Tim-4. ro. That hetruftedin_God,& thrrfiore(fayth he)welabour,&fu~11'er rehuke;thofeare 'JJ' Theparts of the two parrs._ofnew ob~dience,(to doe,and to obedience. fuffer)and therfore,faith he,we doe it,6ecaufewe trufl in tht fittingGod:thatis. We trufi in him for , ,all things:! belceue him to beAlmightyandAU- ·foflicient,every way,both to defend me fromaU evill,and alfo to provideallgood things for me, and thereforeI ferue him, and labour inhh; fer– vice,andfufferrebuke. What was the reafon,on theother lide,thatDemttJ. turned from theLord~ was it no~,.becaufe he thought there was note– nough·in him~·And therefore faith.theText, he imbracedthis preftnt world:the way therefore to keepe our hearts perftil withGod, is to confider well the -great_power ofGod, & the greatgood– neffe ofGotl, for in thefetwo his AU-fofficiencie towards us confifts;Confider his mightiepow- How to k~cpe .er, and fay thus with thy felfc, heisabletodoe ~~charts . all things for mee,tonfiderwithall, thegreatnes of his goodneffe, and mercy, and fay, he is my Father, bee is willing to doe all things for mee~ Indeede, that conclufion :weefuould fetdowne with . .