Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

I I . ! ·;o 0 · p Go n ·s \ - ·------· gument,w~erby theLordproyeth them to'be'I– dols, becaufe they doe neither evill nor good: as if he iliould f.1y, ifthey could doe eitherevill orgood,theywereGodandnot Idols.The fame Mar. 1· Luke. xt. .. wemay applytoany creature, corifidered in it felfe, withomtheiniluence &concourfeofGut/· .Jfit wereable to doe either good or evill, you mightworfhip it as God, for Godoneiy can doe · good and evill of himldfe. Beloved, ifwe could bring our hearts to this perfwafion, thatitis the · Lordonly that can doegood andevil, wewould then·cleatieto.him,it could not bethat we fhould depart from him upon any ·0ccafton, for that . .which is abletodoe neither good nor evili, wee' contemn:ifyour opinions were fuch ofthe crea– ture,-t-hat it were without God, neither able to do good or evill, you would never turne fi·omGod tqany creature, upon any 0ccafton: for certa-in- : 1y' heis able to doe both good and eviii,he oneiy can make every mans life comfortable, or un- , :eomfor.table: it is his preroga~:iuc Royall, it b.:- ' longs tohimalone. In Mat is fayd,~ man is not ah!e to makeBnehairewhite or Udck( ;(o fmall a thing he is not ~ble to doe: and ln Luke r r. it is £1ydmore plaindy, if we be nor able to doe the leafr thing, we bee not able todoethe greateft. Youknow that place,Amos 3.jlJtt!lthfrt 6eervil in ·the .Citie,4nd the Lordhath nut done it?TheScrip– ture is plemifull in this; I fhould loo[e time to urge places; I f<1y there isno creature in heaven or earth, that is able to be the author of the leall: · good, or the le2ft hurt. But