Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

ALL- sV F·P I c I RN c Y. (I fay)it is Ypon this ground,;! am A!t-foifcient ~ there is no creature is able to adde to mee more or leffe: and therefore confider the ground ofit, and let the equitie ofit eftablilh your hearts to -beperfect with Godthat he·onelyisableto make your liues £;Omfortable or uncomfortable. Put the: cafe, a man hath agreat ad7~I_irion to his e. Jl:ate: put the cafe hee hathmuchcredit, and e– freeme amongmen~put the cafe,hee haue thefa~ vour ofPrinces, that aremo.ll: able & powerfuH amongmen: ifthe creature be able alone,to d(}e neither good nor hurt, they fhall not make the leafr addition to his happinelfe ;and ifit bee fo, why f11ould we efteeme it fo 'muc~ ~ ifon the . contrary lide,it'turne againfi us,·it fhaU not doe us the leaft hurt. Should not this free us,fro~ fearefuil pet:plexi– ties,from vain.e hopes,and vainefe6tres ~ Should it n.o_t 'keepe our he·arts perjetf withGod, ifwee were thus perfwaded f for, whatare all the crea- - turesraretheynot likefervaritsinthe great houfe ofthe world') &·weas children~and the fervants are all at the Mafier£ command, todoe whatfoe– ver he hath appointed: ifwe want any_ thing, hee canappointthem to providefor us;there is nota– ny creature in heaven or earth,that ftirreth wirh– outacommand,withouta warrant fi·om theMa ~ fi:er ofthe houfe: ifhe doe command them, they ·goe:they are ready and nilll ble to doe usany fer~ vice:thisisthenature ofallthecreatures,we haue todoewith. Thinke with your felues then, itis no great matter for them; ifthe Mafter of the F ·haufe S~mile. Thecre3turcs G,J.r fervants ~t hiscom• manJ.