Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

-------------------------------------------~ ) A L L •\ s" F F I c I E N c y. ; ~ \ nite object is necetTary, as it is ufually under– ftood(I feeno g.roand for that) I fee it not necef– fary,that afinite facu1tie, fhould haue an infinite No finite thing 3 can b.lis6ethe {oule. \ objeCt, ifthat w'hjs proportionablebe enough; b.unhis I affinne withall, thatunldfe God were infinite, ht; could not fatisfie the foule of man, for.thisis the nature_ ofthe foule, ifit find l 'bot– tomeinany partiCular,itpaffe~hover that,&ha– flethaft~r more,and, therefore, in all particular Creatures(yoti fee) when we-haue had once try- ·\ all ofth_~m,wh~nwe , hauehad rheenjoying and polfeffing ofrhe~;we-ka_U.~~~eln and fceke after t that which ,we want.;. ~ow tue ·Lot:dgiues us faJ tisfadion, becaufeth~ contentm~nt, the happinetfe, that we haue fropj him; 1is-without a botI tom, it is without lh.n_its,t.ha~when we haue had I never fo much; fHll t'hcrelis~mbre tobe found in . him;and hence itisin reg;ud of thatuniverfality that is in him,he hath all things in him, he is .A//_ (ufficient,and,in regard ofthe latitude, for when weenjoy neverfo much, fiill there is more be~ hinde him, and thereforeheonely bath to doe in that bufineffe~ iamaldng qs eternally happie, in givingusthatfommumhonum. . . · I Forthe fecon-d, the helpe that the Creature Thecreamrc:s giues for the things that belong to this life: there Gods inOru– I ~onfeffe, the Cre::tture hath fomewhat to doe) mcnts. butit cloth it as an infirument, and if it cloth all ' ~ asaninfirumenr, then thccreaturedoth nothing ihamanner; weethanke nor the hand, but the mind within that moues the hand to doe a good Sirm!~. turne, much leffe do we thanke a dead,inanimate F 2 -In-