Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

I. The creature is full> at ,Godi ciitpo. !ing. . Jimilc. ments .- foi·ther ·is done inthe'world that is able rodoe yo~ aor hurtbutmyfelfe. Now, to make this good to you,I will propound butthe[e. twothings. Firll:. Tharallthe·Creatures areab- · folutely at his difpoftng. Secondly. That when hee hath difpofed ofthem, when hee bathdifl:ri– burcd them to us to afford us comfort, y~ th~y cannot actually comfort us, without~ fpec.tall hand ofhis. Thofe two, being fullyopened,~ill make this poynr good to you, that the Creature is able to doeyou neither good .nor hurt. Firfl:, I fay,the creatureis fi.tlly at hi~ difpofing; that is; all the Creatures in this world(leta m~n call: his eye upon the whole univerfe )they·a're all but as fo many fcrvants, which are in thcf Lords houfe, prepared tci ·waite upon Hischildren, to convey fuch comforts to them, as hee bath ·ap ... · pointed them, fo that there is not one creature in heaven or eanh,.fl:irres i.t fdfe to do you the leafr good, but when theLordcommands it, & faith, Goe,comfort fuch a man, goe-, refrefh him; doe him good ;it fiirres not without a warrant, and without a fpeciall command from him. The bread and me:.zte, which you eate, nourilh you not, except he fay,goe,and nourifhfuchamari 1 ; the fire warmes you not; and fo ofall the Crea- . tures els. Againe,when hedoth C) mmand them:; . they doe it, and they doe it fully. : Mm ar~ God1 Soall the goodnes t.hatwe participate of, both'- inlhumentno ; by good and evi1hnen~ all is from the LorJ ei.. : ~~~~~ ~ood therit isJrom 1is mercy,or from his providence ' r • therefore wee fhould learne to fanttifie the , ·., . LPrtl,