Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

A L L • s V P' F I c I E Nc-y. s; -firurnents to doe either good or hurt, as it plea- · feth him, the fleepe that you take,themeate that you eat,thecomforts that you hatie,whatfoever is done by any creatme,:.1ll comforts come fi·om him: bmthis is enough forthat. Bur, that wher:.. in there feems tobe~he greatefrliberty, thegreatefi variety, the greatefi changeablenelfe, the minds ofmen, we fee alfo are difpofed by him. Thatis the firft thing wee are to fl]ew, t6-m~ke ~his good,that thecreature can neither d'oegood nor eviH; becaufe though it doe both ( for that :there is fuch athing experience fhewes, t_hat tl¥; creature doth good andhurr, and every deature fometimescomforts,.and wmetim.f.S hurts and grieues-, but th~-ds at Gods difpoling )an~lfinceit is an infirumerit, and is in:rl1e hands oftneLord, as:an Axe., oia-Sword, or aSaffe, and isnot ufed at his difpofing; it appeares,thatitis p_erfectly and abfolutely fubject to the domini– on ofGod. - . _ . · . . · Butnow, whe'ntheLord,hathfentfochaerea- The creature· t:ure to thee, and thou haft it before thee (that is thoughit be thefec.ondthing)iti~ not able to comfort, nor ~~{h~~c::- . hurt thee, without him.Put the cafe, the creature · hurtofft reUe be pregnant, full of comfort, ,yetit ~s not able to.· giue downe that milke ofcomfort that is ih it, except theLord educeand bring it forth, exc~pt the Lord apply it ih partiCular to thee•. And, thefame~ may fay ofany hurtfull creature; bee it never fo pregnant with .evill, bee. it never. fo full 'ofit, yet, it is not able to exercife it, it is not able toaa that hurtit hath, except the L~r-d