Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

· THE T H I R·D SERMON. · ( ) ' G·E N E s I s 17· I. l am q 0 'D ·eAUfuffwient. I . ~~~~~HenextUfeweeareto· make of ti Vfo 2. this,that Godis<.All-fojficitnt, Tobecon~nt is, t0 Iearncro-be contentwith with GoD, .~~r· h· 1 f4 • Tl · alone,tfle 1m a one or our poruon. us ground ofit. is aUfeboth to thofethat 11ru llliiiiiiiiiO...,.........,......-::=- ftr~tng~n to the lift ~1Gid, and likewife to thole that are within the C().·Vel'Mnt; Torhofethatarefirangers,to bringthem in, for theLord propounds that but upon reafonable conditions .It is true,herequiresofyouaofolute & pe rfe a: obedience, that you fer1:1e him.ah:oge- .ther,butthenwithal he propounds to you anab– , .. folute& fuUreward,IamAII-fojficient>youfhall ,needenothingoutofme. As herequiresyou to :leaue allfor hisfake, fo hepromifet.h that hewill · be r; Forthore withol!ttM Covenanr. ~ } ·.' ' ... , "'