Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

• ALL-$V FFl c lE N c Y. . 69 becontent with him alone,becaufctheLorJkn~w o'rhcrwife, they would never haue confiaotly followedhim,and though theymight hauegone far with him,yetwhentbey had met with a rub, when that which they would not part with, and theferviceofGodfhquld comt? in cornpetitio.n, furely, theywould turne afide, and leaue hiin. Now, you mull: conlidcrthis, and worke your heart unto it, that if you haue him alone-, it is enough; for if menwere p~rfwaded, rhat he is . enough, they woul~ becont~ntwj~h himalone•. \Vhen the Sunne f.hines to yotl, though there beneveraStarrc,is it not day't Doeyoun0t call itfo~ Agaip.e, when all the Srarres lhine,and the Sunne is (et, is n<;>t that night~ Is-itpQtfowhen you hauetheLord ·~lone~ Suppofeyouhaueno– thingbut him for,yourponion,flial not tlJ.eL'ord beefufficienttomakeyou happie ~ Is Heenot a Stmnedndashie{d, (tyth thePfalmijl?Ishenot a · Sunne. That issAiifujficient,tofill you withGom fort ofall kindes ~· \Vhat then though you haue nothing but himalone~Again, put ~afe you had all thofe creatures, alr thofe Starres to fhine to you(forthey hauean excellency .in·them, they haue alight, and a_€om_fo~·t, though it be a. borrowcdand derived light, as we heard, fuch as they receiue .fi-om the Sunne) Ifuppofe you haue the~, it is bm night notwithltanding, you are ..but in a ftate of miferie. And· therefOJ;e, ,why ' . • J Simile. ' ,. fhou1d you nor becomept to haue th~ I,.ord' a-· .. ·]one foryourportion ~ Take c,lll the Creatu res,.. and you fiJ;1~,by experience, th,atwl!en they are enj9yed, . --.,.~=,...----.....:-..!.:....~~-__::...=.:::--:-1 •