Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

ALL- s V F F I c I ENc Y. ' .while, what -they are. But come to fpirituall (– things;thcmore you wcare them,the m0re you find the beauty and excellency that is in them; for thereisadull: &a rufr that is caft upon them whiehlikewifethewearing takes otf.And therfore why flmld you not becontent to take God N 0/t'o alone~ Whatis itthat man fo feekes after~ is it nothappines,and comfort~Alas ! fuppofe that youhadall thefe in thehighdl: degree that you can looke for, when all is done,.you fhall finde that but labor Iofi~you· fball find no fi:ability in them.You lmow.what.D4vid faith· inPf4l.3(!)• Pfal.3o·1· .whenhe thought his-mountainwasmade lhong ,and under- propped well oneach ftde;What c•u- ' fednow '.tnaltcration~He cloth not fay,therewas : .a change in theth1~g,.hcdoth not fayhis moun– . taine was pulled doune,or that therewasana-Iteration in his efiate",tnat this crthar accident fell: out, that the peop-le rebelled,againfi: him now which didnot before, or, rh~tt he had'loll: foch and fuch friends th~t hehad before.uBut,fayth fi~,thiJu tur.ntdjl4nMy thy (Act, 4ndthen l.wils trDIJ· ItisGodtbat6l J Th -- · · h" h "f h c:omfortcth r ; e meanmg IS t 1s, t at, 1 ~ t ere was a tbrough d~· ,change in his elbte, the change in God was the Crcatutes. ·caufe,fothenirwasrheLirdthatcomfortedhim thoogh hefaw it nor, it was-not the mounraine that hdd him up,it was notalthofebleffingsthat . heenjoyed-in it that refreffied his heart, ~ but it fore he found,when this light waswitqurawne, I j f was the light that ffiined through them,&there~ . 1 1 . though he·injoyed"them fiill, his comfort wa~ · j·. .gone;So,Jfay,ifinvere from .the things· they~ : .. • .. - , · · ~---~$=-h_r__ . __ .o-