Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

·lfalhhecom· 'fortthatisin · 'the Creature werenot in GOD, the Saints in he.l· venlhouldbe.· Ioo!crso;. · Ov Gons thofe and mo·thers:who made thofe bro– ·rhers & lill:ers,that thou art deprived of in exile, 6r upon any ftich occafion, in povertie and difl. grace? Is ir notbe that made· them1,'vVhatifthe Lordwill be witli thee~Whatifhewill goewith thee into banifhment, or into prifon, as heedKI with Io(eph ~Whatifhewill be witfi thee indif– grace? What ifhewill bt: with thee in povertie~· ls there not enough in him, who is full of all ·· comfort?He can fill theewith all varietie by that : immediatecommunicatingofhimfelfe. · Beloved,.what doeyouthinke heaven is?When · . you are inheave~·;doyou thinke your eftate fhaU .· be worfethenitishere~Youi'eewhatvarietiesof .. comfortswe now haue here. When we come to : heaven,fhaHwehaue ldfevarieties~No, we thall .: lrauemore;how flial we haue itlfor we fhal·h:tue non(! but GDdalonejwe ffiallhaue fellowfhip only · · with him. Ifthere were not that varietie in him : that i~ in thc·creature,certainely,wefhall beIoo– fers, .the fou1e iliall not be filled, nor fatisfied : . And therfore,fayih theText :Thtrej!Mil nudno· · St~nnenorMoone: all the creaturesthat now giue us comfort !hall be takenaway~why?for the Lord jbllll6l Surme & · M~onehe fhall beevery thing,he fhall bealHnaiithings. Thatis;Thoufhaltfinde them all collected in him;&·doe you thinke,that theL~rdiliall ·be thus in heaven,&will he not be fo tohisfer\Lants upo·earth ~It iscertaine,wher– foever bepleafeth ;to 'comunicate himfelfe toa– nyman,to revea1ebirnfelfe,and totakeany·man . into fellow/hipwithhimfelf,~fhepleafe to come to~