Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The jirif ulne.11e &tine. tíofes in the wicked of the world,and with it finne, be- caufe finne hath no frength where there is no Law; though men liad not any fuck legible charaaers of Gods will in their nature, as Adam had at fiat, and therefore did:not finne after the fìmilitude of his prevarication ; yet even from Adam to Mofs did finne rcigne over all them, even the finne of .Adam, and that lufb which that finne contrated. And, if finne reigned from eAdam to t.Mo- f s,inthat time of ignorance, when the lay of nst lufling was quite extitia out of the.mindes of men, moth more from ciBfes after;for the Law entered by Mofes that fin might abound , that is i hat the concupifceace which reigned wi bout conviétion before, during the ignorance of the original implanted Law, might by the new editi- on and publication of that Law be knowne to be f nfail, and thereby become more exceeding finfull to ;thole who (hould be thus convinced of it: that fo the exceeding fin- fulneffe of finne might fèrve both the fooner to compell men to come to Chrift, and the grace of Chrift might thereby appeare to bee more exceeding gracious : for the Law was revived, and promulgated anew meerely with relation to Chrift and the Gofpell : and therefore the Apoftle faith; It was added andordained by Angels in the J-land of a Mediator, or by the minifterie of a Mediator. Where there are three reafóns to (hew Gods Evangeli- cal! purpofe in the publication of the Law anew. Firit, it was not publi(hed alone, but as an Additament, with relation to theEvangelicall promife, which was before made. Secondly, the- fervice of Angels or Meffengers; which fhewes, that in the Law God did fend from hea- ven a- new-to iuftrua men and therein to take care of them,and prepare them for fàlvation.; for Angel.; mini - fer for this purpofe,that men might be heirs offalvation. Thirdly the ministry of a Mediator,namely,Mofes, who was Mediator in the Law, with reference whereunto Chrift is called Mediator of abetter Covenant,and was faidifull 1;3 7 'torn. 7.7. Rorn.7. a 3. Gal.3.i 9. Phrafis flota.° minite- irsm Legati. Tarnow. exer- cit. biblio.pag. 8 3 ,edit. z: Ileb, 1