Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

cl" be Vanity of the Creature. 53 them : and then the L o n D will revenge thy great ingra- titude in forgetting and dcfpifng him amiddefl all his bleflìngs, in idolizing his gifts , and bellowing the attri- butions of his glory , and the affe& &ions due unto him up- on a corruptible Creature. In the Roman Triumphs, the Generall or Emperour , that rode in honour thorow the Citie with the principali of his enemies bound in chaines behir de his Chariot, had alwayesafervant run- ning along by him with this Corrective ofhis glory, Re- fpice poff te, hominemmemento te. L coke behintíe thee, and in the petfons of thine enemies learne that thou thy felfe art a man fubje l to the fame Cafualties and difho- nours with others. Sure, if men, who had nothing but the Creatures to trufl to, being Aliens from the Cove- nant ofPromife, and without God in the world, had yet fo much care to keepe their judgements found touching the vanitie of their greá.tefl honours , how much more ought Chriflians , who profeffe themfelves heires of bet- ter and more abiding Promifes ? But efpecially arme thy felfe againfl thofe vanities which moll eafily befet and beguile thee; apply the authoritie of the Word to thine owne particular fickneffe and difeafe , treafure up all the experiences that meet thee in thine owne courfe, or are remarkable in the lives of others , remember how a moment fwallowed up fuck a pleafure, which will ne- ver returne againe, how an indire& purchafe embitter'd fetch a preferment, and thou never didfl feele that com- fort in it, which thy hopes and ambitions promifed thee, how afrowne and difgrace at another time dallied all thy contrivances for further advancement, how death fcized upon loch a friend, in whom thou hadil laid up much of thy dependance and affurances , how time bath not onely robbed thee of the things, but even turned the edge of thy delires , and made thee loath thy wanted idol's, and look upon thy old delights as Ammon upon Tamar with exceeding 'hatred. But above all addreffe E 3 thy Tertull. flpop bg. cap. 33. Erif 'on d.e .or- ir,xl. lib. 4. Auguítus no- êlurno vifu ßí- pem qr+otannis die corte emen- dicabat pop- lo cavam ma- awn arts porri- grntibus præ- bens. Suctonin Aug. cap. 91.