Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

'I he Pexatzon of the Spirit. 7; away from this his Idoll, there is not onely forrow, but wrath andfiiryin him, verf. i7. Sixthly, from the difabi- lity to ufe or enjoy them, when a min through inordinat love, or difiruílfull providence , or fordidneffe of fpirit, ar`iiicumhrances ¡Of implòymetits, E`:i l'! of while he lives enjoy his abundance, and when he hies hath riot; either, by his ownc covetous prevention, or his fucceffors inhu- manity, an honourable buriall. Chap. 6.verf. i,2, 3. Se- venthly, from the narrownëffe of any iatisfa&tion which can be received from them, verf. 7. All the wealth a man hath can reach no higher than the filling-of his. mouth, than the outward fcrvices of the body, the defircs ofthc foule remaine empty ílill. A glutton may fill his belly, but he cannot fill his lut+ ; a covetous man may have a houfe full of moray, but he can never haven heart full of moray ; an ambitious man may have titles enough.too- vercharge his memory, but never to fill his pride; the a- gitations of the foule would not ceafe, the curiofity of the 'undcrílandiug would not f+and at a flay, though a man could hold all the learning of the great library in his head at once: the fenfuality of a lafcivious man would ne- vcrbefatiated, it would be the more inrag'd , though he fhould tyre out his firength and wafle his fpirits,anddru- piifie all his fénfes with an exceffive intemperance. When men have done all they can with their wifedome and wealth, they can fill no more but the mouth, and pover- ty and folly makes a fhift to doe fo too, verf, S. the de- fires wander, the foule roves up and downe as ever. verf. 9. Eighthly, from theirdifabiiity toprotcò or refcue a man from evill, to advance the flrength of a man beyond what it was before, verf.. i o . Though a man could (crape all the wealth in the world together , he were but a man j ffi1l, fubjea to the fame dangers and infirmities as before; nothing can exalt him above , or exempt him from the common Lawes of humanity : neither (hall he be ever a- bleto contend with him that is mightier than hee. All his