Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

. ' SERM. 9 Trif!mph of Faith. 3,-· the Cock-boat failethafter him,with the fame Motion and Wind: They be not two Tides and two Winds,that carry on the Ship and the Boat: Chrift enjoyed byFaith traileth after himDeath, Life, the Wortd,ThinJ!,S prefent,and Thin;;s to come :IfGodgive you Chrift,in the 1amecharter all things are yours,becaufeye ar~Chri(l' s AndChriftGod's, I Cor. 3.21.Chriitwaterethwith 'his Bleffingall Things; ifall that a Saint bath be bleifed, and everyThing(to fpeak fo)merciedjind chriftianed, even his'Basket and his 2Jough,Deut.z8.5. his Inheritance muft be bleffed, much more all Chrift's Inheritancemuft be bleffed;becaufe he istheSeed,theSpring and AbftraB:of B~elnngs. Now Chrift,Heb. r.z. Is appointed the Heirofatt'Ihings :Then he is the Heir of a DraughtofWater,ofbrown Brea'd,ofa Straw-bed on the earth,& hard ftones to be the pillow: to the Saints, · to the Children of God, Hell(tofpeak fo)isheaven'd, Sorrowjoyed,poverty rich'd, Death inlivened,Duft & the Grave animated&quickened with Lire&Refurretl:ion.God fave me from a Drau~htofWaterwithout Chrift:Peace and Ddiverancefro~ theSword,withGut Chrift & the Gofpd,are linked & chained to the Curfe ofGod;alas! ifMen have the fingle crc-ature,they make no account how other things go: Give t1s Peace upon any terms; (fay they) you may have the ~arth',Peace, & the Creature, and the Devil to faltthem to y.ou with the,Ctirfe ofGod. 7udas had the Ba!'l at his Girdle,but withal, the Devil 1n his Heart: The'Creature wanteth Life and Blood without Chrift. t. All Mercy, that is, graced Mercy is to be fought in J efus Chrift;everyMercy is Mercy,becaufe it's in Chrift ;every Stream is Wa- . becaufe'tisofthe ElementofWater;everyThingin 1ts own Element and Nature is m oft c~pious; Water is nowhere f<> abundant as in the Sea; fo in Chrift the greatT.teafure ofHeaven, there is Fulnef:~,yobn 1.16. F 3 But I ' r I