Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

.. 114 1 he Trial and SER. 13 Temple as amongft them, having fpecial refpea to the true Temple, yejus Ch~i(!, John z. 19. Ufe r.Let us pray our elderS1fter home to Chrift, Cant. 8. They f~id, We have a little Jifter, and foe bath no breajls, what jhallwe do for our fifte.r inthe·daythat jhejhall befpokenjor? Nowwe . havea greater fifter : 'What fhall we the Gentiles do for her? :There's a day, When ten .ilfen jball take hold, out of all Nations, of tbe skirt ofa .7e'w, fayinr,, we will go with you ; ~ve have heard that God is with you, Zah. 8. 2.1. Ufe 2. It is the happinefs of our Land, that we, :haTe a three-fold relation to Chrift, I mean tllefe two Nations, that we have avowed the Lord by a National Teftimony, and the Nations are publick Martyrs and witnefles of Chriil, in that they are made a field' of blood, for no other quarrd, , but becaufe they defire to ftand for Chrifls Truth, ~.gainft .Antichrijl: fure in the intention of Papifts now in Arms againft us, there is no caufe of War but this only. 2. That we have fworn tnat the Lord 1hall be our God, in1a folemn Covenant. ; : That we are honoured to build the Temple of the Lord, and reform Religion. 0 that we could · fee our debt and be 'thankfull • !7fe 3· ' ~he 7ews 'had the morning market of Chrift, and they would not pay the rent of the Vineyard to the Lord thereof; we have · tlie , after-noon of Chrift, and know we what a mercy it is, that our beloved feedeth amongfl the Lillies, till the :IJay break, and the jhadows fly away, and that the voice of the Turtle is beard in our · Land ? God for our abufe of the GofpeJ bath fent 1ll?ong us the bloody Purfevants, and Officers of hts wrath, Men skitlfull to deflroy ; God is now in three Kingdoms, arrefting the Carcafes of .Men, we: