Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

in the Soul oj" .L"\11an. 7 fcurrility to thofe who are naturally nlo– defl:: fo that I may well fay with St. John *, Whqfoever is born of God dotk not commit fin j for his feed remaineth ·;n him; and he ran11ot fin becaufe he is born of God. Though holy and religious perfons do much eye the law of God, and have a great regard to it; yet it is not fo n1ueh the fanction of the law, as its reafonable– ncfs, and purity, arid goodnef~, :which do prevail with then1 ~· they account it excel– lent and deGrable in itfelf, an'd that in keeping of it there is great reward; and that divine love wherewith they are acted " n1akes then1 become a law unto then1fdves. ~is legem det amantibus? Major efl amor lex ipjeJibi. \:Vho !hall prefcribe a law to thofe that love? Love's a more pow~rful law which doth them move. In a word, what our bleffed Saviour faid of hin1felf, is in fon1e n1eafure appli– C"1ble to his followers, that it r's their meat and drink to do t!Je,r fother' J. will t: · and as the natural appetite is carried out to– ward food, though we ihould not fC'fleCl: on the neceffity of it for the -prefervation of our lives; fo are they earned with a · natural ' ~ ;t John iii. 9• t John iv. 34~