Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

· D_f the Religious. 121 1night have faved thcn1felvcs that trot1ble, by throwing a little incenfc into the fire, or fpeaking a few blafphcmous words;-but well had they learned not to fear thoje who can kill the body, &c. Nor \Vere they born. out by an obfl:inate humour, and pervcrfe Stoical wilfulnefs: they were neither fl-upid and infenfible, nor proud and [elf-conceited; but their fuffcrings were undertaken with calmnefs, and fuftained with n1odcration. Let I-Ieathen Ronze boaft of a RcgulttJ, a Decius, or fo1ne two or three n1ore, fiinlu– lated by a defire of glory, and animated by fome fecret hopes of future reward, who have devoted their life to the fervice of their country. But, alas! what is this to an infinite number, not only of 1nen, but even·of women and children, who have died for the profeffion of their f~ith; neither feeking or expeB:ing any praife fro1n n~en? And tell n1e who among the Heathen did willingly en– dure the lofs of reputation? Nay, that was their idol, and they could not part vvith ·it• . And certainly it is a great tneannefs of fpi– rit, to be overawed by fear of difgrace, and depend upon the thoughts of rhe people. True courage dot~ equally fortify the n1ind againfl: all thofe evils, and will n1ake L a