Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

Of lot1illg our ENemies., , If 1 far iha-11 we be frotu rejoicing in his n1isfor– tunes. And certainly had we a right fcnfe of things-; we fhot11d be more troubled for the .I harn1 which our enen1ydoes to his own foul . ~y wronging us, thap for the .prejqdice we– fuil:ain by hin1 ; our com.Jiaffion towards hin1 would din1iniih, if .not altogether [w-allovv tl1e refentn1ent ofwhat we fuffer fron1 hin1. But our kindnefs and .good will towards . QUf ene111ies 'l11Ufl: not reft .in en1pty wi'fhes, ~ Lut exprefs ·itfdf in kind \:vords and ftieh&– ly actions. When we fpeak to our enen1y, -- it n1ufl:: be in fuch ,fi110oth, difcreet, and ob– liging terms, as are 1110fl:: li-ke to mollify and gain hin1; that by .foft qnfwers .'ve n1ay . l ·turn away /?is wrath, and Ihun aU ,griveorzs . ' words, wllicb jlir .up ang·er. V1 /hcn vVC ft-)eak ·of him, ·it.fhould beas advantagcoufly as we <:an with truth, concca1ing or qualifying his f~ults, and .praiiil)g ·whatc- . ever is good in hin1. And furcJ1e n1u"fl: be lingularly bad in wl1on1 we can find nn– thing ,to coinmend. . Again, We tnu'ft perform for thet"n aU · thofc good ofhces whicl1 thCir 11ecertitics ·call for, and our power can reach. Do good to them, that hate )'0!1. J;f Otti' eneJ'iZY ' .b.unger-zve mufljeecf him; if he tbrifl, we 17Zit/l give hi~:n drink {hall 'We heo,p coals ef'f rr: '0 . . ;i( () JJ / . ,