Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

... in the Soul of Mm1. I 5 he neither underfiand nor defire' thofc fpiritual pleafures which are defcribed and / fhadowed forth by tben1; and ·when· fuch a perfon comes to believe that Chrifi has purchafcd thofe glorious things for hin1, he may feel a kind f>f tendernefs and af– fection towards fo great a benefactor, and in1agine that he is mightily enamoured with hin1, and yet all the while continue a {hanger to the holy temper and fpirit of the bldfed Jefus. And what hand the natural conHitution tn ay have in th e nlptu– rous devotion of iome melancholy pcrfons, hath been excellently difcovered oF late by fcvcral learned and judicious pens. tro conclude: 1'berc ls nothing prot>er to n1ake a n1an's life pleafant, or hin lfdf eminent and con~)icuous in -the world, but this natural pnnciple, affiftpd by 'w,ir a1: d reafon, rnay prornpt him to it. f\nd though I do not conden1n thcfe thinQ"s in thon- ~~ _felves; yft it conce rns us nearly to kno,w and confider their nature, both that we may keep within due bounds, and alfo that \Ve may learn never to value ourfclves on the account of fuch attainments, nor by th e fhefs of religion upon our natural appetl. t~"S or 1''' 1" (u"'·t·J·-,," · 1~. re· c • '-' _} \....A.l ~ .!tJl.i. j_. u • .. B ::. It