Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

1S8 The N-ec~!Jil) mtdAdvantag~ then they cry to the Lord in i!Jeir trouble, as.· · Gn hin1 who can. alone c(elh.Jer them out of their diflrefs. The Pfalmi{t, fpeaking of . their fiiff-necked .. and rebeUions. prede– ceffors, tells us, that when God flew them,. – then they fought hhn...: and th~y rememfiered: that God was t.heir: rock, mtd the high Go~ their redeemer!~ In _their a.ffiiHion (faith . the Lord by the_prophet) they ·willJeek me: early t. I doubt not a great many de:– vout. perfons will ;acknowledge; that it was. fon1e affliCtion or other that fi.rfl: taught _ _ them to pray. AQd as afflictions contri– bute to n1ake .us remen1ber our depend– ence on God, and then excite us to feek unto hin1; fo : alfo they render. us . n1ore fenlible of our obligations unto hin1, and more thankful fo.r the 1nercies . he hath .be~ fiQ~ed on us. \Ve arc fo dull and infen~ fible, that: \VC feldom value any of the di-: v1ne n1ercies., till we find what it is to want then1·. Wc put . v.ery little ,alue on our ~ food and rain1ent, and . the ordinary · meanS" ofour- fabG.france, ,unlefs we have been fon1etimes p~nched with want. vVe confider not how much v1c are indebted to -God for pnfcrving our. friends, till fon1e of them be rc:n1oved. from us. Hov"V: 1. 1 1tue.. .. : .:~ Pfal. lxxviii. 3_4. 35~ _ t Hof. v. 15· ·