Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

. ' S I X .DISCOURSES 0 N IMPORTANT SuBJECTS, &c. . . ~ .. That there are but a fmall Num• ber faved. LuKE xiii. 2·3. · Then faid one unto him, Lord, are there few that be flved? .And h~ · faid unto them, &r;. . / T H 0 SE who have fo much charity and goodnefs as to be nearly touch– ed with the interefls of mankind, cannot but be m·ore efpedally concerned about , their everla£Hng condition; and very·"anxi– ous to know what fhall become of poor mortals when this fcene is over, and .they . cea{e to appear on the fiage of the world, being -called off to giYe an account of their deportment on it. And, feeing ·we are afS . . · fured ..